

【TED-Ed】Why sitting is bad for you
by Murat Dalkilin加油耶稣 ?
(为了方便大家练习英语听力,小林老师特意将视频与字幕分开,这样大家就不会过度依赖中文字幕了,听不清的地方可以参考下面的英汉双语字幕哦蓝天传奇 。)

1.Right now, you're probably sitting down to watch this video你可能现在正坐着观赏这部影片
2.and staying seated for a few minutes to view it is probably okay.虽然坐个几分钟应该是无伤大雅的
3.But the longer youstay putfzdm , the more agitated your body becomes.但随着时间的拉长,你的身体可能会开始感到坐立难耐
4.It sits there counting down the moments until you stand up again这感觉会持续到你站起来
5.and take it for a walk.然后到处走走
6.That may sound ridiculous.这说法听起来可能很荒唐
7.Our bodies love to sit水脑袋 , right?我们的身体不是喜欢坐着吗?
8.Not really.其实不然
9.Sure, sitting for brief periods can help us recover from stress坐着一小段时间当然可以帮助我们舒缓压力
10.orrecuperatefrom exercise.或是帮助我们在运动后回复
11.But nowadays保志总一朗 , our lifestyles make us sit much more than we move around,但如今罗南基汀 ,我们的生活方式使得我们坐着的时间比移动来得多得多
12.and our bodies simply aren't built for such a sedentary existence.但我们的身体并不是针对久坐不动而设计的
13.In fact, just the opposite is true.事实上是刚好相反
14.The human body is built to move,人类的身体是为了移动所打造的
15.and you can see evidence of that in the way it's structured.你可以从身体的组成方式一窥究竟
16.Inside us are over 360 joints, and about 700 skeletal muscles我们体内有超过360个关节及约700个骨骼肌
17.that enable easy《月光男孩》, fluid motion.使得我们能够简单、流畅地做出动作
18.The body's unique physical structure gives us the ability to stand up straight我们身体独特的生理结构能让我们站得直
19.against the pull of gravity.抵抗地心引力
20.Our blood depends on us moving around to be able to circulate properly.四处移动能使我们的血液循环更加顺畅
21.Our nerve cells benefit from movement,我们的神经元也能从身体移动中受益
22.and our skin is elastic, meaning it moulds to our motions.此外执掌盛唐,我们皮肤是有弹性的,意味着它能够随着我们的动作而变化
23.So if every inch of the body is ready and waiting for you to move,当你全身上下都已经准备好等着你动动
24.what happens when you just don't侠行天下 ?而你就是偏不这么做时会发生什么事呢?
25.Let's start with the backbone of the problem, literally.让我们从最重要的脊椎开始讲起
26.Your spine is a long structure你的脊椎是个长形结构
27.made of bones and the cartilage discs that sit between them.是由骨头及座落其中的软骨盘构成的
28.Joints向丽雯, muscles and ligaments that are attached to the bones接在骨头上的关节、肌肉及韧带
29.hold it all together.把脊椎连接在一起
30.A common way of sitting is with a curved back and slumped shoulders,弯腰驼背是相当常见的坐姿
31.a position that puts uneven pressure on your spine.这会造成你脊椎的压力分配不均
32.Over time, this causeswear and tearin your spinal discs,长时间下来会造成你椎间盘的磨损
33.overworks certain ligaments and joints,过度使用特定的韧带及关节
34.and puts strain on muscles that造成伸张以调适你弯腰姿势
35.stretch to accommodate your back's curved position.的肌肉紧绷
36.This hunched shape also shrinks your chest cavity while you sit,当坐着时,驼背的姿势也会使你的胸腔缩小
37.meaning your lungs have less space to expand into when you breath.这意味着当你呼吸时,你的肺扩张的空间会减少
38.That's a problem because it temporarily limits the amount of oxygen这是个问题,因为这会暂时限制
39.that fills your lungs and filters into your blood.肺里及进入血液中的氧气含量
40.Around the skeleton are the muscles, nerves, arteries and veins that form the body's soft tissue layers.骨骼的周围环绕着许多肌肉、神经、动静脉

41.The very act of sitting squashes, pressurizes and compresses,它们形成身体的软组织层
42.and these more delicate tissues really feel the brunt.坐下的这个动作会造成压缩、加压
43.Have you ever experienced numbness and swelling in your limbs when you sit?而这些脆弱的软组织则首当其冲
44.In areas that are the most compressed,你是否曾经在你坐着时感觉到手脚发麻及肿胀
45.your nerves, arteries and veins can become blocked,在最被压缩的区块
46.which limits nerve signaling, causing the numbness,你的神经,动静脉可能会被堵塞
47.and reduces blood flow in your limbs, causing them to swell.这会限制神经发射讯号,造成麻木感
48.Sitting for long periods also temporarily deactivates lipoprotein lipase,也会减少流入四肢的血液,造成肿胀
49.a special enzyme in the walls of blood capillaries久坐也会使脂蛋白脂肪酶失去活性
50.that breaks down fats in the blood,脂蛋白脂肪酶是存在于微血管壁中的特别酵素
51.so when you sit, you're not burning fat nearly as well as when you move around.它能分解血液中脂肪
52.What effect does all of this stasis have on the brain?所以当你坐着时,你燃烧的脂肪比四处移动时来得少
53.Most of the time, you probably sit down to use your brain,坐着不动又会对我们的大脑造成什么影响呢?
54.but ironically, lengthy periods of sitting actuallyrun counter tothis goal.很多时候你可能坐着要好好动脑想事情
55.Being stationary reduces blood flow但讽刺的是,坐越久结果反而会背道而驰
56.and the amount of oxygen entering your blood stream through your lungs.静止状态会减少血液流量
57.Your brain requires both of those things to remain alert,及从肺进入血液的含氧量
58.so your concentration levels will most likely dip你的大脑需要上述的两样东西来保持警觉性
59.as your brain activity slows.所以你的专心度很有可能会
60.Unfortunately, the ill effects of being seated don't only exist in the short term.因大脑活动趋缓而下滑
61.Recent studies have found that sitting for long periods不幸的是,坐着的负面影响不是只有短期的
62.is linked with some types of cancers and heart disease近期有研究指出
63.and can contribute to diabetes, kidney and liver problems.久坐与某些癌症及心脏病变有相当程度的关联
64.In fact, researchers have worked out that,也会造成糖尿病,以及肾、肝的问题
65.worldwide, inactivity causes about 9% of premature deaths a year.事实上,研究人员指出,在世界各地
66.That's over 5 million people.静止不动造成每年9%提前死亡的机率
67.So what seems like such a harmless habit超过五百万人
68.actually has the power to change our health.所以说,像这种看似无害的习惯
69.But luckily, the solutions to this mounting threat are simple and intuitive.是会影响我们身体健康的
70.When you have no choice but to sit,不过幸运的是,解决这俱增的威胁的方法是很简单、直觉性的
71.try switching the slouch for a straighter spine,当你不得不坐着时
72.and when you don't have to be bound to your seat,别弯腰驼背,要打直脊椎
73.aim to move around much more,当你不需再绑在椅子上时
74.perhaps by setting a reminder to yourself to get up every half hour.要起来到处走走
75.But mostly, just appreciate that bodies are built for motion, not for stillness.或许可以借着设个备忘录来提醒你每半个钟头就要起来走走
76.In fact, since the video's almost over, why not stand up and stretch right now?最重要的是年代向钱看 ,要认知到身体是为了移动而打造的,而不是为了静止不动
77.Treat your body to a walk.既然这影片也快要结束了,何不站起来伸展一下呢
78.It'll thank you later.让你的身体走走

在闲暇时间时,大家是不是跟小编一样,喜欢当couch potato(极为懒惰、喜欢躺着或是坐在沙发上看电视的人)呢?但是长时间的坐着其实对身体非常的不好深海寻人 ,快看今天的TED-Ed视频,了解一下久坐到底会带给人体什么坏处吧!
stay put0:15stay put的意思是「留在原地不动、维持不变」,stay表示「停留」、put表示「固定的、不动的」,组合起来就是这个词组的意思啰!
Stay putso I can find you when I get back.别乱跑,我回来的时候才找的到你芝华士18年 。
stay常常与其他形容词组合成词组,下面小编就选几个常用的分享给大家:stay tuned保持注意力/ 不要分心/ 不要转台
Stay tuned! We'll be right back with more information on the topic.别转台!节目马上回来,给大家更多这个主题的信息。
stay hungry保有热忱、斗志、野心
Stay hungry娄成就, and you'll learn a lot from this experience.保持热忱,你就会从这个经验学到很多的。
stay loose(=hang loose)放松
It is important tostay loosebefore taking an exam.在考试前保持放松、冷静是很重要的绿日乐队 。
stay clear of避免接触/ 见到(某人、物)
Stay clear ofthe rails! It's extremely dangerous.不要靠近铁道!那非常危险。
recuperate0:34recuperate有「恢复、使恢复健康、弥补」等意思。这个字是从拉丁文的动词recuperare 来的,包含重新获得、恢复、重生等意思。re-是最常见的拉丁前缀之一,表示「再次」,而-ate结尾则表示状态/ 特质。
It took me three months to fullyrecuperatefrom the operation.我手术后花了三个月才完全恢复。
在这边就整理几个re-开头、-ate结尾,由相同逻辑组合而成的动词吧!鄂尔多斯电影院reactivate(使...)恢复活动regenerate重建、再生rehabilitate恢复原状、修复renovate整修、翻新、修复renegotiate重新谈判wear and tear1:53wear and tear是「磨损、损坏」的意思,指的是正常状况下会出现的使用痕塞内加尔鹦鹉 迹。wear and tear与depreciation在财务、会计上的用法则十分相似,都是指长期的使用造成的价值下跌。
This car shows serious signs ofwear and tear. We should buy a new one.这台车已经有严重使用痕迹了,我们该买新的了。
run counter to3:23run counter to跟跑步一点关系都没有噢!它表示「违反、背道而驰」,这个词组最早被使用时,counter是「相反方向」的意思。
His actionsrun counter tohis words.他的行为与他的说词背道而驰。
其他有着相似意思的用法包含:disagree with「不同意、不一致」
Idisagree withyou on this matter.在这件事情上我不同意你的想法神偷大盗 。
deviate from「背离、偏离」
Don'tdeviate fromthe subject, stay on topic.不要偏离主题。
clash with「冲突、抵触」
The recent decision that the sales department madeclashed withthe corporate philosophy.销售部门最新的决策与公司理念冲突。
bear no resemblance to「完全不相似」
Sallybears no resemblance toher sister Sarah.莎莉与她的妹妹莎拉完全不像。
看完短片后冷妻王者归来 ,有没有照短片的建议,马上站起来走走呢?牛玉强 小编自己也常常上班坐了一整天,反而觉得腰酸背痛的。提醒大家上班或读书时,要记得多伸展、运动,才能远离疾病酸痛喔!